ServeriX CM Has been ended.

Dear TeamXiphix Fans,

We are sad to tell you that the iconic server , ServeriX (SeverI) has been shut down due to VAC Ban disagreements and VAC Banned slipping through. To Yous who have had incremental progress on ther server , we are extremely sorry and your ProgressBits have been transferred to a choice of points .

[Amount of PB] Reputation Points. (Makes you trusted by staff more and players. Also gives ranks for more points with significant role usage.)
[Amount of PB] EnterPoints . (You can buy things that can happen during events that are entertaining.)
[Amount of PB] OP Bitz (Can order items like being OP For 5 minutes (min) - 5 days (max).) 
​​​​​​​If You Have a suggestion , please contact The owner BirdIX.

Yours Sincerely,
Johnny Leuciuc (BirdiX)

Further Updates will happen weekly.

Server Intergration for Safer VAC Ban Control.

Servers will now be not hosted on a community server beacause of recent VAC sightings passes through the systems. Servers will be now hsoted by the owner , to join , you need to be friends.